

Reimplement wgsim in Crystal and add extra features.

:yarn: :black_cat: Please note that this project is being created for personal study and experimental purposes and is not currently provided for practical purposes.


GitHub Releases

Compiling from source code

git clone https://github.com/kojix2/wgsim.cr
cd wgsim.cr
shards build --release -Dpreview_mt src/wgsim.cr


wgsim (macos) wgsim (ubuntu)

brew install kojix2/brew/wgsim


Program: wgsim (Crystal implementation of wgsim)
Version: 0.0.4.alpha
Source:  https://github.com/kojix2/wgsim.cr

    mut                              Add mutations to reference sequences
    seq                              Simulate pair-end sequencing
    gen                              Generate random reference fasta

    --debug                          Show backtrace on error
    -v, --version                    Show version
    -h, --help                       Show this help
About: Add mutations to reference sequences
Usage: wgsim mut [options] -f <in.ref.fa>

    -f, --file FILE                  Input file for the reference sequence (required)
    -o, --output FILE                Output file for the mutated sequence (required)
    -m, --mutation FILE              Output file for the mutations (required)
    -s, --sub-rate FLOAT             Rate of base substitutions [0.001]
    -i, --ins-rate FLOAT             Rate of insertions [0.0001]
    -d, --del-rate FLOAT             Rate of deletions [0.0001]
    -I, --ins-ext-prob FLOAT         Probability an insertion is extended [0.3]
    -D, --del-ext-prob FLOAT         Probability a deletion is extended [0.3]
    -p, --ploidy UINT8               Number of chromosome copies in output fasta [2]
    -S, --seed UINT64                Seed for random generator
    --debug                          Show backtrace on error
    -h, --help                       Show this help
About: Simulate pair-end sequencing
Usage: wgsim seq [options] -f <in.ref.fa> -1 <out.read1.fq> -2 <out.read2.fq>

    -f, --file FILE                  Input file for the reference sequence (required)
    -1, --output1 FILE               Output file for the first read (required)
    -2, --output2 FILE               Output file for the second read (required)
    -e, --error-rate FLOAT           Base error rate [0.01]
    -d, --distance INT               Outer distance between the two ends [500]
    -s, --std-dev FLOAT              Standard deviation of the insert size [50]
    -D, --depth FLOAT                Average sequencing depth [10.0]
    -L, --size-left INT              Length of the first read [100]
    -R, --size-right INT             Length of the second read [100]
    -A, --ambiguous-ratio FLOAT      Discard if the fraction of N(ambiguous) bases higher than FLOAT [0.05]
    -S, --seed UINT64                Seed for random generator
    --debug                          Show backtrace on error
    -h, --help                       Show this help
About: Generate random reference fasta
Usage: wgsim gen [options]

    -l, --length INT                 Length of the reference sequence ["1000,700"]
    -s, --seed UINT64                Seed for random generator
    --debug                          Show backtrace on error
    -h, --help                       Show this help

Idea Notes

Idea Notes




  1. Fork it (https://github.com/kojix2/wgsim/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request